When I was pregnant, I went crazy over research on what I should look out for, how the baby should be in the womb, signs that I must take precaution of, etc. But once I have delivered, I was so caught up taking care of my baby that I got worried over every little thing that is common.
1. Jaundice
There's almost no way to avoid this. Baby will have jaundice. It's just whether how serious(high) the bilirubin level is. My baby had prolonged jaundice that lasted for 2 months. I was so overly worried, thinking that my breast milk was the cause. Doctor told me it's breastmilk jaundice. But he never stopped me from breastfeeding. He even encouraged frequent feeding, every 1-2 hours so that baby can excrete the bilirubin via poop or pee. Of course, during this period we had to go back and forth to the clinic to have him checked. Also, jaundice baby tends to be more sleepy. So wake your baby up for feeding if they're sleeping longer than 3 hours!
2. Bleed
I was bleeding like overloaded period for almost 3 weeks! So do prepare lots of heavy flow pads / maternity pads. Don't carry heavy objects or if you must, don't do it for a long period. Walk slowly, don't overtire yourself. I thought the flow had stopped so I was walking fast and carrying my baby when we had to send him to hospital to get admitted due to jaundice. Then the next day the heavy flow came back.
3. Breast milk
Some mothers said their milk production was low. So I was quite lucky to have an appropriate amount to feed my baby. Don't give up on trying to latch your baby though. Breastmilk work as demand and supply. If your baby latch, so there's demand that's sending to your brain to signal more production.
I'd love to quote one of the mother that said to me while I was pregnant, "Even animals always have milk to feed their baby. We have too, we just need to think positive and always think that we have breastmilk. It may come slow, or few days or weeks late, but WE HAVE"
Breastmilk is the best food you can provide to your baby from newborn until 2. You can even continue if you want to.
4. Leaking
I didn't know that full breast will leak! I've so many emergency pumping sessions while I was in my early motherhood days. I wasn't used to the frequency of nursing and most of the time, Jacob only takes one side of the breast, so the other side will still be full! Also, while feeding on one side, the other side will leak/squirt. Depends on the let-down.
5. Engorged breasts
It's painful. I haven't got mastitis before, I read that if engorgement is left untreated, we may get mastitis. So do remember to clear the breasts before it gets too full! Also, if prolonged, the production may decrease. Because the brain thinks baby doesn't need that much.
6. Fickle boobs
Breastmilk supply may go up and down during the first few months after delivery. The body is still trying to get used to the schedule. So don't worry if the production is too much or too less. It will adjust itself after few months.
7. No menstruation
It can be a whole year long or even longer depending if you're still breastfeeding. It's 8 months now and counting that I still haven't got my period back. I'm kinda liking it but at the same time worried if there's something is wrong with me. I've always thought that period will be back to normal monthly flow after that weeks of blood after delivery. I was wrong.
8. Mother's thumb
What is it? It's an inflammation near the thumb and wrist from repeatedly lifting heavy babies under their arms. It usually happens to new mommies. It results from pointing up the thumb and wrapping the other fingers
around the back of the heavy baby, which will cause inflammation in the
tendons below the thumb.
I'm still having it since Jacob was 2months old. It's painful. Always take note on how you carry your baby. Lately, I felt that it has gotten worst when I was changing his diaper. Too much wrist movement probably. I should wear my wrist guard back religiously. Bah.
9. Breast Pump
Invest in a good breast pump. I read that good breast pump can indirectly help to yield more milk when pumping. Also, get a hakaa, a milk collector.
Image is from google |
It's useful when your baby is latching on one side, then you put this milk collector on the other side to collect the milk that is leaking. Or if your breast pump is a single pump, then this helps too! I've wasted some precious liquid gold in my first 2 weeks of not knowing this collector.
10. Be prepared to nurse in public
Unless you don't go out at all. It's hard to time when your baby needs to nurse and sometimes you can't avoid the need to nurse them when you're out of the house. Traffic jam maybe? Get a nursing cover or even a big scarf to cover yourself while nursing in public if there's no nursing room provided at whereever you are. But nowadays in Malaysia, many malls have nursing room facilities. If you have the budget, you can buy some nursing clothes too. I've been using my oversized tshirt and a scarf to cover myself. I've seen mothers who had nursing tops, breastfeeding without a cover! So experienced! Gotta learn.
Just slide and nurse! So convenient |
Most of this experienced are based on a first time breast feeding mom. I'm lucky to be able to breastfeed. It's tiring but once I knew the benefits of breast feeding, I just keep pushing myself forward day by day. Hopefully I'm able to continue on this journey until baby decided to weans himself off.