Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Newborn don't need these

As a new mom, we get overwhelmed by the preparation to welcome the new baby to the family. We seek advise from our relatives, friends, uncle Google, random voice whispering to us, telling us "WE NEED THIS" when we go to baby shop or worse, when we're at baby expo.

These places are horrible! They have so many baby items under one roof and it feels like we need them all. I too, have got some redundant things that I thought I would need them but ended up I just shove it one side after my baby is born.

In this list are some of the items that I've got but never used.. or just once or twice and some that I seen some parents got them but from my experience, they don't need it.

1. Newborn shoes.

Newborn don't wear shoes. It's fun to buy them, it's nice and all but they can't walk yet. So they really don't need them. What they need are mittens and booties. These guys are to protect your baby from the cold and prevent them from scratching themselves.

2. Baby seat 
Image result for bumbo

Baby don't need this yet. Their backbone isn't strong enough to support themselves. They still need you to support their back and neck. My friends got this for me when my baby was almost 1 month old and I had to keep this in storage until my baby is 6months plus. I think he's about 7 or 8 months when we actually uses this. This comes handy when the baby is much older.

3. Baby blanket
As cute as they are, they could be hazardous. Baby will move their hands and feet up and down, left to right from time to time while they're sleeping and there could be chance that the blanket will fall covering their face. Unless you could keep an eye on your baby for the whole time while they're sleeping (please no, remember the rule that you should sleep when your baby sleeps too, to get enough rest) then MAYBE you can use one. In general, you shouldn't put anything within your baby's arms reach in the crib or on the bed (if you're co sleeping). This may impose SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Anyway, my baby feels uncomfortable when we put blanket on him. He even "kicked" it away by moving his hands and feet. He's still not using any blanket up till now, we just need to regulate the temperature in the room.

4. Baby carrier 

Again, I got this (not particularly this brand) from my sister-in-law, preloved. I never used this until my sone is about 6 months old, which is until he's able to sit up right. We did tried this on him prior to that but his neck was still wobbly and he couldn't support himself to be upright yet. As much as the carrier said it can be used for newborn, it was a struggle for us to put him in and to see him in it even. His head would plop from side to side without proper support.

These are as much as I could think of for now. Let me know if you have any other items you've bought but not used for your newborn!

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